Performance Optimisation

Super-charging your technology investment.

We believe that every business can find ways to optimise the performance of their technology estate. 

The benefits of this are clear. Better value for money, better performance for clients or customers and a better working environment for your staff. Not to mention the potential sustainability impacts of optimisation.

Typically the types of performance optimisation we drive includes:

  • improving user experience
  • reducing cost
  • effecting positive organisational change
  • improving team productivity

How we work

Our approach is always to align the IT strategy with business priorities. Whether that is a cloud transformation, enabling your hybrid workforce or driving service improvement initiatives. Our work typically falls within the key areas of people, process, technology and contracting.

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The most important part of any successful technology-led business is the people. If the stakeholders who run and use the technology are not engaged then it can never succeed. We have an experienced team of change mangers and productivity coaches who can help empower and energise your organisation to use the right technology in the best way.

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By reviewing existing processes and practices we can quickly identify opportunities to rationalise and improve the way things are done. Whether it’s billing practices, data management or how you update your hardware, there are many areas that we can support. More efficient processes and automation free up your people to add value where it can really deliver impact.

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We work at the cutting-edge with some of the world’s leading companies. This experience means we can advise on the solutions that are the best fit for your business and your growth plans. By standardising systems and reviewing what isn’t used, we can save money as well as secure your technology estate for the future.

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Typically, our clients are contracting with multiple suppliers to meet their technology needs. Sometimes these contracts can become disparate and the links between the contracting parties break down. We are the enablers to smooth this process. We work with all of the largest technology providers, as well as many specialist, niche companies. The Prosource way means the best result for everyone and helps projects achieve their objectives on time and on budget.

Types of projects

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