Modern Slavery Statement is fully committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its corporate activities.
As a provider of professional IT services, we do not identify modern slavery as a key risk to our business. will not support or otherwise deal with any other business involved in slavery or human trafficking. We value our workers and have full knowledge of their working conditions. We have not identified any of the International Labour Organisation indicators offorced labour in our organisation.
In-House Management
the most effective way of preventing slavery and humantraffic within our operations is to fully understand and manage those operations using prosource managers. In this way we have visibility of all the people delivering ourservices and can assure ourselves that their engagement is ethical and compliant. We do not require compulsory overtime, and we never confiscate any identification documents
Services Predominantly Delivered By Employees
Our services are predominantly delivered by our employees which ensures that the majority of ourpeople are engaged directly by the company without third parties in the supply chain. Consequently, we have assurance that these staff are properly employed with full employment rights and legal protection. Our employees are free to terminate theiremployment at any time. Where we do use external suppliers, these tend to be small businesses and we require evidence and warranties of best practice. We do not employ or otherwise engage any workers under the age of 16 and ensure that youngworkers are appropriately protected. We consider our entire supply chain annually to ensure there is no increased risk or new evidence relating to modern slavery risk.
Code of Conduct
Our Company’s code of conduct, the prosource way, offers clearstandards of ethical behaviour expected of our people as they carry out their duties,including clear escalation paths they must follow if they suspect illegal or unethicalactivities, regardless of where that activity originates. It also protects our people’srights to freedom of movement and association, prohibits discrimination, prohibits anythreat of violence, harassment and intimidation.
Awareness has raised awareness of modern slavery issues to all workers by carrying outonsite Toolbox Talk sessions and issuing a companywide bulletin where the followingrelevant issues have been highlighted:• the basic principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015;• how employers can identify and prevent slavery and human trafficking;• what employees can do to flag up potential slavery or human trafficking issues to therelevant parties within the organisation; and• what external help is available, for example through the Modern Slavery Helpline.
Board Approval
This statement has been approved by the organisation's Board of Directors who will review and update it annually.