Office Moves

Ready from day one

Office moves, consolidation and M&A activities will require physical relocation of IT equipment, including end-user devices and back office infrastructure.

We understand that moving IT equipment is not as simple as packing and unpacking boxes. Whether you need to relocate a few employees or move thousands in a phased migration, we know exactly what it takes to plan, communicate, pack up, relocate, recommission and get everything back up and running - quickly and hassle-free, ensuring minimal downtime.

We have in-house audio visual and communications support so that your people feel their new home is a real upgrade.’s flexible Office Relocation Service is specifically designed to deliver safe and incident-free moves.

We provide a single point of contact and management for every move-related task – from planning and new site surveys to post-installation bubble support. brings together the services of teams skilled in technology asset relocation, giving you a valuable edge when it comes to getting your user base operational and productive as quickly as possible.

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It’s good to talk: Finding clarity with Copilot

Have you explained an idea to someone else which made the solution click? The moment of clarity often comes not from their feedback but from organising your own thoughts as you explain. Software developers have named it rubber duck debugging.

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